It has been a minute or two on here.
You have been on my mind, mostly because my team and I have been reflecting on somethings and as a part of the 46er family, it is only fair I share a few of our discoveries with you surrounding: WORK, PURPOSE, VALUE CREATION.
As with some organizations and businesses, the beginning of the year at Metamor46 usually begins with a company-wide retreat where the team plans and prepares for the business year. Each year, we work with a theme and by December, we have a session to review the business year.
These end of year review sessions have shown us that what we do and the outcomes we have generated are driven by the theme we decide on in any given year. The funny thing is that sometimes, we missed the usual monthly and quarterly review sessions but we were still spot on with our actions and results. This tells me that when you own a thing it becomes a part of you.
The year 2020 has been no different. Our theme was “Inside Out”.
Upon reflection, I decided to test again, the discussions that surrounded the theme for the year 2020, and what did I find?
Well, see for yourself; a snippet of our COO’s opening speech to the team:
‘…the retreat’s aim is to ensure that we are, first, before we become’. That means, we need to look inward first, because what we have within us is what we give out.
The question is, how have we aligned all of these to the kind of year we have had? I will respond to this in another communication with you.
Today, I ask, what are you giving out? What value creation system have you put in place? Where are you drawing innovative solutions from?
The only way you can get the answer is by looking inwards because you certainly have something to offer, but do you know it? Very few find IT, have you found yours?